
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Two teachers and a classroom

I remember being very nervous about sharing my classroom with another professional.  Besides sharing the students I'd have to share space!  I remember thinking "What was I thinking when I agreed to this?"  I'm proud to say a regular sized classroom can house two teachers working side by side.  Here are some pictures of our classroom set up.

Above is one of the teacher areas in the classroom.  My partner in crime uses some online intervention sites so access to the Internet is a must.  She has her own storage, teacher table, dry erase board and carpet area.

The center of the classroom is the student area.  Student desks are heterogeneously grouped, however, students do not spend all day at their desks.  Because we do much station teaching, students have the opportunity to sit on carpet square throughout the room to work on projects and also spend much time at the two teacher tables.

This is the second teacher area. In this area I have storage, a dry erase board and a teacher table. From here I can also monitor the math station area and the class library.

We use every inch of space in our classroom.  Here is a view of our classroom from the door:

As we continue to set up we'll post more photos of the space saving ways we fit two teachers in a classroom.