
Monday, August 6, 2012

Welcome to the Fun Fourth Grade Collaboration blog!

The smell of a new box of crayons. The feel of a freshly sharpened pencil. The sound of a new composition book as you flip through the pages for the first time.  Though we as teachers will countdown to the end of the school year right after spring break, we secretly start planning for the new school year as soon as summer vacation begins.  And it never fails... every year I tell myself I will not return to the classroom until the first day my contract begins and yet by the end of July I find myself checking my mail daily for the welcome back letter from my principal annoucing what's new for the new school year and when I can access my room.

Soon I'll start photos of my classroom set up and back to school activities.  I share the classroom with a special education teacher because our classroom is known as a collaboration classroom.  In our classroom students with a variety of disabilities learn alongside students who learn at or above a normal pace.  How do we accomplish this? Keep checking back on this blog and find out our tips and tricks.

Best wishes on setting up for the new school year!

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